The mission of the “Stewards” is to secure funding as a 501(c) (3) nonprofit, to manage invasive species on Lake Seminole, in a collaborative but timely manner with the USACE, for the benefit of the Lake Seminole stakeholders. Critical to the success of this mission is a collaborative agreement with the USACE.
On December 13th, 2022, Stewards of Lake Seminole Inc. met with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Mobile, Alabama and secured that agreement.
The picture memorializes that historic event. Standing from left to right are Bobby Moore P.E-Operations Project Manager, ACF River Projects, Mobile District, Alex Jernigan- VP Stewards of Lake Seminole, Jeremy J. Chapman P.E., Colonel, U.S. Army, Mobil District Commander, and Steve Dickman-Founder and Executive Director of Stewards of Lake Seminole.
Steve Dickman says, “This is truly a historic step in our journey to save Lake Seminole.”
For the communities, the agreement states “The Corps and the Stewards mutually recognize the value of native grasses, within limits, in creating an ecosystem where fish and wildlife can flourish. The Corps and the Stewards mutually recognize there are significant national and local community benefits, both economic and recreational (visitor spending totaled $68 million in 2021 for Seminole and Decatur Counties), associated with the collaborative management of invasive grasses in a balanced manner that preserves and enhances the dynamic ecosystem while addressing the needs of all beneficiaries.
The Corps recognizes that the Stewards bring a unique knowledge base and perspective from Lake Seminole residents, anglers, hunters, water sports enthusiasts, and community leaders, to assist with the management of those invasive species.
Bass fisherman fear, and rightly so, that uncontrolled management of invasive grasses can have devastating impacts to the fishery and the communities as has been seen in Texas, Florida and Alabama. Preventing these disasters is exactly why Stewards of Lake Seminole Inc. was formed. In none of the above-mentioned disasters, was an organization like the Stewards working collaboratively to manage the outcomes. Bass fishermen need to become Sponsors so their voices can be heard, and interests protected.
THE CORPS WILL NOT TREAT AROUND BOAT DOCKS! For property owners, our agreement provides for coordinated treatment of areas allowing Stewards of Lake Seminole to treat invasive grasses around boat docks at the same time the Corps is treating those general areas. This is a first, and an essential step in complete coverage of recreational areas. Individual treatments around docks are not effective in the long-term and must be done together to be effective.
For the first time in the history of Lake Seminole, stakeholders, through the Stewards of Lake Seminole, are collaboratively involved with the USACE to develop an Annual Aquatic Plant Management Plan for 2023 for the benefit of all the stakeholders. Our first joint Corps/Stewards planning meeting was January 10th in Chattahoochee, Florida.
Our success is a journey and will grow as our Sponsorships grow. Our successes will attract funding from Grants and State and Local governments. Involve your friends, neighbors and families. Become a part of the solution today.
If WE don’t save it……Who will???
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